Thursday, November 27, 2008

What I'm Thankful For...

We had Thanksgiving at Jeff and Abby's house this evening. Lots of food, lots of fun, lots of kids! My belly is really full and I'm ready for bed, but I wanted to write down a few of my thoughts. First, I have to give a shout out to my husband for his squash dish. I don't know exactly what was in it, but it was squash, cheese, onions, butter?? Not sure what else, but it was delicious! My nephew Alex had three helpings (which surprised me that a kid would like squash). So, there were great eats at dinner...Turkey, stuffing, crannberries, vegetable dish, squash dish, potatoes (both regular and sweet), and LOTS of pie. While Christmas is my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving is my favorite food holiday.

And since it is Thanksgiving, I thought I would make a list of things I am Thankful for...

1. My husband. Even when I want to strangle him, I love him. He is the Ying to my Yang. We are very different creatures, but we balance each other out.

2. My son. It's been a little over 8 months since he moved in and its been a long road but I can't imagine life without him. He frustrates me, he drives me crazy, he is a pain in my butt. He also makes me laugh and he's fun to hang out with and he's smart and sarcastic and he's freakin' adorable.

3. My family, My immediate family- Ken and Paulette; Kristi, Steve, and Bryce; Jeff, Abby, Alex, Justin, and Audrey; Aaron, Lori, and Maya. And my extended family- Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, second cousins, third cousins, etc. They make me laugh, they keep me going, they are my rock. I love hanging out with them and I know if I need them that they will be there.

4. My friends. I have been blessed in such amazing ways by all the people that are a part of my life. Whether I talk to them a couple times a week, once a month, or once a year- I am one of the luckiest people in the world when it comes to the amazing people that are part of my life. Although we are spread out from San Jose, CA to Providence, RI to Raliegh, NC and everywhere in between. I love them all and I miss them all. And as husbands and wives and partners and babies are added to the mix, it just makes the web of connections and love even larger.

5. My gardens. Winters are a hard season because I can't be outside working in our flower gardens. There is something about digging in the dirt that is good for the soul.

6. Books. Where else could I ride on the back of a dragon, hold the hand of a dying friend, and hear about romancing a vampire. They are my escape, my release, and I believe the world would be an incredibly sad place without them. 7. Work. There are days when I want to walk out and never come back, but there are other days when I feel incredibly passionate about working on policies that impact the lives of low-income Missourians.

8. Drinks. Honestly, I've become less and less of a drinker...maybe one or two per week but sometimes I just really really need a big drink!

9. Art. I don't get to do my own very much anymore, but I love sketching, painting, stained glass, or just plain crafty stuff. It makes me happy and it relaxes me in a different way than #8.

10. And finally...this blog because it makes me write out my thoughts and feelings and provides me a place to release frustration and express joy. It reminds me how far we've come and how far we have to go!

P.S.- Sleep...I do love my sleep (just like my momma!) and that is where I'm headed... Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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