Monday, October 27, 2008

Dinner Party!

Every once in a while we get to still act like grown-ups. For instance, last night we had a dinner party at our house with a couple of friends. It was fun to have people over and enjoy adult conversation.
William actually does really well at these type of events, which always surprises me. I forget how smart he is and that he actually does know how to act properly and behave himself and he saves his horrendous behavior for when no one else is around. But he likes to dress up and likes to be the only kid with a bunch of adults. Of course he didn't want to sit next to me or Lawrence. He ended up at the head of the table next to Jon and Dean. William and Dean (the guy on the right in the above picture who is one of the sweetest guys in the world by the way) hit it off and Dean got him to try goat cheese (which he loved) and bread with pesto which he also liked. William surprises me with the food he likes. He loves olive tapenade and salads and different cheeses. Recently we were out to dinner and their were Parmesan Cheese slivers on his salad and he couldn't stop talking about how good they were. He made me try one! Such a funny kid.

Anyway, it was a fun night and he did really well. We went up and played a game and got PJs on and then he came down to say goodnight. He was doing so well I half expected him to break out with a little song... "So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night. I hate to go and leave this pretty sight..."

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Lost Camera and More Birthdays

So we got robbed or something. It's the weirdest thing ever, but William's Wii and our digital camera disappeared out of the house. The weirdest thing is that they took the Wii and all the Wii games, but left the PlayStation and all of its games. They were sitting next to each other. Anyway, it's been over a month and the mystery has yet to be solved.

In the meantime, I didn't have a camera for a month which kind of makes blogging difficult because I think pictures are vital to telling the story. So there is a month missing from my blog. Just know that it isn't that we didn't do anything for a month, I just don't have pictures.

What have we been up to... Well, we celebrated my little sister Lori's birthday in late September. She got herself a new tatoo for her birthday! I love that girl. We celebrated Jamie's birthday by going out to Mia Rosa (new Tapas restaurant that I don't recommend- OK food, but overpriced) with the gang. We went to my Uncle Joe's new farm for the day on an early October weekend. (I'm gonna try to get pictures from Aaron and Lori because I think they may have some.) We went to Lawrence's Band Together concert, which was fun except that William was in a mood and it went until after 10pm which is where you start entering the crabby zone!

So that about catches things up to now.

My birthday was on the 22nd. It was the big 33. I actually don't mind it. I like my 30's so far and I think 33 sounds kind of cool. So we celebrated with the family at Jeff and Abby's house and I got a NEW camera from my parents and Aaron & Lori. My older siblings, Jeff and Abby got me a new mixer (I killed ours and I can't remember how but I remember the smell because I fried the motor) and a massage!! I need to make an appt. soon! My parents also gave me a Lowe's gift card because I'm always working on projects around the house. It was a good party and as usual the cake was outstanding. Really that is the most important thing at a b-day party. And I took a couple pics with my new camera...

On my actual birthday I went out to dinner with just my boys (Lawrence and William- duh). We went to Llywelyn's Pub. It was quiet, simple, and painless- Just the way I like my birthday to be. After dinner the three of us took a walk down a couple of the "private" streets in the Central West End. It was actually unseasonably warm and was a gorgeous night. The streets have gates but the sidewalks are open and the houses are HUGE. So we picked out our favorites and laughed about what we would do with all that room. It was kind of surreal to just walk down the street holding the hand of the love of my life and watch this little man run ahead of us singing some weird song that he picked up from kids at school. It was one of those moments that was just perfect. That you want to just hold on to. It's funny how our minds work because I'm sure in reality William may have been saying something inappropriate and my husband may have been annoyed that I was holding his hand in public. But in my head and my memory, I forget that stuff and just think about the happy parts. A nice simple dinner and a quiet moon-lit stroll with my husband and child. The perfect birthday.

Oh yeah and Lawrence got me lots of gifts too...A beautiful new sweater, a manicure and pedicure, Will & Grace: The Final Season, and a NEW Vacuum Cleaner (I know I'm old because I was REALLY excited about this. It's so fun to use. And Yes, I'm a dork and a clean-freak. Just ask Lawrence!) Wow...putting those presents in writing...I'm so gay...clothes, spa, gay TV show, and a doesn't get much gayer unless you throw in Barbara and I don't like her (but my husband LOVES her).